The Smartr App


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*** If do not receive your registration email within ONE HOUR of registration, please contact us immediately through the Contact Us page in the app. You can also email us at [email protected] from the email address used for registration, OR add thesmartrapp on Skype. ***The Smartr App offers the world a social shopping experience that pays its users just for sharing and using the app. This is accomplished by talking to people about, or simply “passing the app," and using The Smartr App to buy the things you do every day on other apps and websites.Create a profile, and urge friends to shop via our app. All app users also get to participate in our profit sharing program, by simply having the app on their phone - as well as the earnings created from their shopping network.Users have access to millions of brand names, great deals, and bulk products that consumers every day.Give your Pass Code to other users and build an empire that earns!